Masters prides itself on setting the standard for surety bond representation in Canada. From general, civil and specialty contractors to unique contract risks and developer surety solutions, Masters provides knowledgeable strength in supporting surety bond requirements ranging from thousands to billions of dollars. Masters has facilitated surety bonds for some of the largest and most complex projects in Canada and offers unmatched service to ensure that the process runs smoothly.
Partnering with Masters guarantees unique benefits including:
PERSONAL SERVICE: Masters has Power of Attorney along with in-house authority for all major surety markets. Bonds are delivered to all clients with on-time reliability.
KNOWLEDGE: The depth of surety bond staff in all offices secures hands-on representation not only with surety markets, but when dealing with owners, sub-trades, dispute resolution, corporate structure, continuity and more.
STRENGTH: Masters enjoys a strong presence in the surety marketplace. Clients are assured they will be treated fairly in terms of rate, indemnification, information flow and most importantly, capacity.
OBJECTIVITY: True partnering is a Masters hallmark. Our input is sincere and objective, and is generated by a wealth of experience and the desire to build a trusted relationship.