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Setting Up Your Voicemail
Go to the Team app on your computer > click the 3 dots beside your initials icon > Settings > Calls>Configure voicemail > Copy and paste the message below into your custom greeting > Click OK
Standard Greeting Template:
Hello, you have reached the voicemail box of <name> at Masters Insurance. Sorry I am not able to take your call, however, please leave a detailed message including your name, number and reason for calling, and I will return your call as soon as possible. Please note, coverage cannot be bound or altered by leaving a voice message, you must speak to a licensed broker. Thank you and have a great day.
Away From the Office Greeting Template:
Hello, you have reached the voicemail box of <name> at Masters Insurance. Please note that I am away from the office and have limited access to email and voicemail. Sorry I am not able to take your call at this time, however, should you require immediate assistance, please contact <employee name> at <phone#>. Please note, coverage cannot be bound or altered by leaving a voice message, you must speak to a licensed broker. Thank you and have a great day.